Product Name No. Size
NICSInst™ Library Preparation Kit(lllumina) EK100100724 24 rxns

What Is NICS-A™

The embryo biopsy during PGT – A not only requires experience and skill , but also introduces a level of risk to the embryo’s development. In order to reduce the risk to the embryo, Yikon Genomics provides an alternative preimplantation chromosome screening technique – NICS-A™, Noninvasive Implantation Capability Screening. In order to perform this novel screening, the culture medium used during in-vitro embryo culture is collected and then processed for aneuploidy screening, through library preparation and NGS (next generation sequencing). This innovative technique enables PGT-A to be performed in an easier, safer and more cost-effective way.


•   Non-Invasive:  Innovative biopsy-free PGT-A; no biopsy needed and no potential influence on embryo development

•   Simple & Rapid: Streamlined library prep, NGS, and auto-analysis within 24 hours 

•   Highly Successful: Avoids sample loss and amplification failure

•   Highly Representative: Avoids inconsistency between biopsied cells and the embryo due to mosaicism

•   AI Auto-Analysis Module: Established by our AI study on over 1000 culture medium samples and corresponding embryos, our AI analysis improves the performance of the screening (sensitivity,specificity, PPV and NPV).


  • Provides a reference for embryo transfer
  • Improves clinical outcomes, including implantation rate, clinical pregnancy, ongoing pregnancy and live birth
    •  Saves time
    •  As an alternative to PGT-A, it provides a second chance for embryos excluded by PGT-A